Skips Safety Net - Parent's Guide to Cyberbullying
Over the last year the growth of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools have propelled AI into children’s lives, raising both new opportunities and challenges to the education system. AI definitely has a future role in learning and studying, but lots of parents and teachers are in the dark about what it is, and the benefits and risks.
Please look at the following links to find out more:
Tech and Kids: Using artificial intelligence safely
Created with experts across different fields in tech, this guide explains what AI actually is, the benefits and risks, and what adults can do to help children use generative AI safely and appropriately.
Parents' guide to using AI tools
This interactive and printable guide discusses different popular generative AI tools that children might come across. It outlines age requirements, safety features, and how to use AI tools for learning, family time and fun.
My Family’s Digital Toolkit
This tool has been created specifically for parents to find the right information to stay on top of children’s internet safety and help build healthy digital habits at home.
Please follow the link below to go to Vodafone's Digital Parenting page. Articles are regularly updated and include expert advice.
It has come to our attention that young people are using an app called Discord. Although primarily used for gamers, this is an instant messaging service with live chat, video and messages including both private and public servers/chat rooms. Please be aware if you see this on your child’s device.
Concerns have been raised around the website Omegle. Please see the factsheet below which has been created to educate parents/carers on what Omegle is and how to protect children and young people from its use through encouraging the use of internet parental controls in the home.
The link below will take you to additional information on E-safety which is posted in our Students' area.