Welcome to our Gallery!!
Please enjoy browsing through our photographs and videos.
We would like to say a HUGE thank you to LR Hutchinson & Son for their very generous donation of sand and paving slabs which will help us as we begin the landscaping in the Wildlife Garden.
Wildlife Garden Project
A HUGE Thank You to Gainsborough Skip Hire for delivering a skip and topsoil to support us with our Wildlife Garden Project. Thanks again to Jimmy Snee, WLDC for all your support. Hopefully the weather will improve as we begin all of the hard work!
Aegir's Got Talent
Once again our school community came together to celebrate the talents and aspirations of our students in our annual talent show, Aegir’s Got Talent.
We were treated to comedy, dance, drumming, storytelling, singing and animation, we even had a troupe of line dancing staff.
Thank you to Noble Foods for supporting our Careers Programme with a visit to the school from their Development Chef and a number of staff to support him. Students learnt about egg production and marketing and then had the chance to make a delicious omelette. We continue to work closely with Noble Foods, our Schools Enterprise Partner and look forward to further activities in the coming months. Employer Engagement is an important part of our Careers offer as it helps students to develop confidence and communication skills and to find out more about opportunities within the local community.
World Book Day 2024
Aegir students celebrated a magic themed World Book Day, by dressing up as wizards, witches as well as other characters from books featuring magic, dinosaurs, crocodiles, Dr Who and Super Mario also made an appearance. They truly immersed themselves in the world of fictional magic, a great day.
Highlights of 2022/2023!!
Work Experience 2023
The Gainsborough Trinity Foundation have been providing the opportunity for students to learn about the hospitality and catering sector. Students have been going on a rota basis of termly blocks one day a week. Duties include preparing drinks and meals for customers, serving, using the drinks machines and the till, using money and contactless payments, re-stocking, preparing the environment in readiness for customers by sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping floors, cleaning tables, and using the dishwasher etc. They have demonstrated excellent team-work and are able to follow instructions and build positive relationships with the staff at The Venue.
We also have a year 10 student working at Timpsons, Gainsborough. He is there two days a week, learning all about the services they provide. So far he has learnt to mend watches, change watch batteries, talk to customers and cut keys.
Friday 5th May 2023
We have enjoyed celebrating the Coronation today with a whole-school fish and chip lunch with red, white and blue cupcakes and some party music. We all showed our respect to the King through singing the National Anthem with pride.
Wednesday 15th March 2023
Post 16 visited the Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum as part of our ASDAN Life Skills Challenge 'Exploration in History'. We enjoyed a tour by the volunteers at the museum who have a wealth of knowledge of the vehicles they have lovingly restored. The volunteers are clearly passionate about the history of these vehicles and demonstrated a great awareness to the needs of our students.
Meet 6th Form's new classmate - Dave!!
Dave is a Syrian Hamster we have adopted to look after. Students have raised money through their enterprise to buy the hamster, a cage, bedding, and food etc. All 6th Form students had a chance to think of a name for the hamster and we all voted; the name most popular being Dave.
Students will be taking responsibility for him - feeding, cleaning, and giving him lots of love.
Wednesday 1st March 2023
Post 16 visited Bransby Horses Home as part of two ASDAN units ‘Animal Care and History of Travel and Transport’. We met donkeys, horses, cats, ducks, birds and even dragons! We talked about how the equines (horses and donkeys) are looked after on the farm and how we used to use horses and donkeys for transport.
Friday 9th December 2022
We are all set up for our Christmas Fayre. This year we are having our first Aegir Christmas Market. We look forward to raising money for our students.
As part of our work on the World Cup through British Values, we have looked at different countries and their customs and traditions around Christmas.
Wednesday 7th December 2022
We are all set up for Christmas Dinner and looking forward to
getting together as a school community to celebrate.
November 2022 - Cultural Visit to London
October 2022
Once again, our students, staff, parents, and carers have contributed towards our Harvest Celebration collection for the Gainsborough Salvation Army food bank. A massive thank you to everyone who donated.
Autumn Term 2022
Wednesday 22nd June 2022
Activities Away – Kayaking
In glorious sunshine, some Year 10s enjoyed a fantastic day at Lincoln on the fabulous lake at Activities Away. They were involved in lots of fun and enjoyable activities using sit-on kayaks, paddle boards and katakanus. They were also allowed to run and jump off the jetty making some enormous splashes! Alongside the Explorer Scouts gaining their Paddle Sport and Time on the Water badges, it provided all the pupils the opportunity to develop their social and teamwork skills.
Friday 27th May 2022
Everyone is looking forward to celebrating the Jubilee today!
Students and staff are excitedly preparing for our Jubilee Celebrations. We have worked collaboratively to create and hang bunting and are looking forward to our Red, White, and Blue day on Friday 27th May.
Tuesday 17th May 2022
Visitors from the Stay Safe Partnership (SSP) delivered some fantastic learning experiences about keeping safe. Sessions included Road and Fire Safety, Online Safety, Healthy Relationship, Alcohol and Drug Awareness and Anti-social Behaviour. Each session was planned to be engaging, thought-provoking and fun… student feedback on the day was very positive. We look forward to welcoming the SSP again next year.
Easter 2022
Students enjoyed the Easter celebrations by taking part in a range of Easter-themed activities. It was very hard for us to pick the winners of the the Easter egg decorating competition. Well done to everyone who took part!
Thank you once again to our friends at Noble Foods for providing every student with an Easter Egg to take home.
Happy Easter Everyone!
Friday 1st April 2022
These are the items bought using the Morrisons 'Good to Grow' tokens collected by parents/carers and staff. We have gardening gloves, plant labels, bags of compost, kneeling mats, raised planter, containers and hanging planters.
Tuesday 29th March 2022
As part of their WJEC Religious Education course, Year 11 students visited St Michael and All Angels' Church, Bassingham. We were warmly welcomed, and were treated to a talk about Easter and the Christian faith. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.
Support for Ukraine
We have been collecting donations of first aid items and other things such as personal hygiene items/toiletries, pet food, blankets (including foil emergency blankets) packet foods, clothing and candles. We are taking them to the Bearded Fishermen Charity for their dispatch to support some of the people of Ukraine. We will continue collecting items throughout March. Here is one photo of our collection, more to follow over the coming days. Thank you everyone for your support.
Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Our newly formed Cub Scout Pack visited the group Scout Hut at Aegir and were welcomed by our Year 11 Explorer Scouts. They enjoyed art and craft activities, playing wide-games and some brain teasing challenges, all ably supported by the Explorers. The Cubs were also formally welcomed into Scouting by taking part in their investiture ceremony.
* * * * 'Careers Week' for Years 7 and 8 - 7th-11th March 2022 * * * *
In Connie's Corner in March our book theme is 'Space'
Thursday 24th February 2022
A really big "thank you" to B&Q Gainsborough for donating some plants to our Sixth Form students for our school garden; they are very much appreciated.
February 2022
Displays of some of the work and activities completed this term by our wonderful pupils and students - well done everyone!!
February 2022
Students are loving the recent addition of a Readers' Rest, a quiet area where students are able to sit down, read, and reflect. The books change regularly, the current theme is ‘Diversity’
Monday 31st January 2022
As part of their WJEC 3D art project, Year 11 visited Yorkshire Sculpture Park in order to study the work of professional artists, and to get some inspiration for their own work. We had a lovely time and recommend a visit.
December 2021 - Year 10 – WJEC Entry Pathways Humanities Religious Studies
Pupils from Year 10 visited The National Holocaust Centre, consolidating their learning throughout the Autumn Term around the discrimination and persecution of Jewish and other minority groups in Nazi Germany. The pupils had the opportunity to encounter the horrific events through ‘The Journey’ which described the life of Leo, a Jewish boy in 1938. They also had the opportunity to listen and ask questions to a Holocaust survivor. This was a thought provoking visit that we highly recommend.
Christmas 2021
Noble Foods invited pupils and students to enter a Christmas Competition with prizes for the winners and a gift for all those who entered. The winners received prizes of £20, £10 and £5 and were judged by a former student who is now working for the company. The cards were taken to be displayed in the canteen for all of the workers to enjoy. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Noble Foods next year.
Thursday 16th December 2021
Once again, thanks to the very kind donations made by Noble Foods, Santa and Rudolph visited our pupils and students today to spread happiness and goodwill, as well as selection boxes for all. Obviously, Santa’s usual sleigh is being serviced ready for the big day so he arrived in carefully adapted farm machinery. We think it suits him. Thank you Noble Foods, Santa, and Rudolph.
Wednesday 15th December 2021
Once again our fantastic pupils and students took part in our annual talent show. As with last year, all the acts were pre-recorded and were shown via Zoom to the whole school.
We were treated to dancing, beautiful singing, a comedian, a singing juggler, a strange rap act, a pianist and a singing boxer. A good time was had by all. Congratulations to every pupil and student who took part, we are very proud of your efforts.
As part of our Personal Development, Geography, and Modern Foreign Languages, our pupils have been exploring the diverse ways that different countries and cultures celebrate Christmas. We really like the culture that has a recent tradition of ordering KFC for Christmas dinner, Mmm.
Christmas Dinner - Wednesday 8th December
Aegir hall was all set up today ready for Christmas dinner. It was delicious and we all had a brilliant time.
Thursday 2nd December 2021 - Official Scout Hut
Opening Ceremony
It is with great pleasure that we can announce the official opening of our new Scout Hut. The ribbon was cut by Amy, our Scouting County Commissioner, who then presented the opening plaque to Miss Burt, our Group Scout Leader. The ceremony was also attended by Bill, our Deputy District Commissioner, Mrs Buxton, our Acting Principal, and two school Governors, Mrs Holmes and Mr Page, as well as all our Scouts and Explorers.
Shoe Box Appeal
Once again, our whole school community came together to support the Nomad Trust and YMCA Lincolnshire’s Christmas Shoe Box appeal. This year we provided 32 filled and wrapped Christmas presents for those in need.
To everyone who has supported this effort, please accept our heartfelt thanks and gratitude. We couldn’t do it without you.
Armistice Day
11th November 2021
Once again, our students and staff commemorated Armistice Day with a short but poignant service. Flags were carried, and lowered, by our School Ambassadors whilst the rest of the students observed a respectful silence. Classes also commemorated the day in artwork, displays and as part of their learning.
Diwali - 4th November 2021
As part of their studies, Year 11 have been looking at Diwali, the Festival of Lights.
They have made Coconut Barfi sweets and Diya (Diwali lamps).
We would like to wish everyone Happy Diwali.
Sixth Form Residential Trip - 9th-15th October 2021
It was really good to once again take Sixth Form students on a residential to Bude, Cornwall. We visited the Eden Project, Clovelly, Boscastle… had celebrity fish and chips in Padstow and enjoyed the beaches and glorious sunsets from the wonderful Thurlibeer House.
Scouts and Explorers
During September our Scouts and Explorers were able to attend overnight camps. Some were treated to fantastic weather and some were challenged by heavy rain but they all had a lot of fun. Each group took a morning walk to the River Trent and played wide-games in the camp grounds, some were treated to a roaring campfire and others to a stunning sunset. It felt like a real treat to once again take our students camping.
2021 Harvest Celebration Plot-to-Plate Artworks
To celebrate Harvest we created classroom displays on the theme of ‘Plot-to-Plate’. There were some very creative and artistic presentations, well done to our wonderful students and staff.
Harvest Tractor Parade
Once again we celebrated Harvest with a fantastic display of vintage, classic and modern tractors, thoroughly enjoyed by our students.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Harvest collection for the local Salvation Army
Aegir students and their families enjoyed being celebrated on 20th October 2021 at the Presentation Evening. Students were congratulated on their successes in their exams and the hard work they have done despite a couple of unsettled years due to Covid. We are very proud of all of them and wish them luck for the future.
A message from Gelder Construction
It was a pleasure to welcome students from Aegir School to our Queensway Site. The students aged 16-18 were all interested to see a live site environment, and our Sturton by Stow site consisting of 14 units being built for Ongo Housing currently 7 months in to a 12 month development program certainly offered an insight into construction. The students learned about the various stages of building and watched newly qualified Apprentices bricklaying as well as other trades on site. Site Manager Leif Davy commented ‘It was great to meet the students who were very keen to quiz me on the build and costs of construction’.
September 2021 - 7JD enjoyed a visit to the allotment. They helped to harvest some of the vegetables and learnt about where our food comes from.
September 2021 - Scout Hut - the story so far ........
Due to the ongoing success of our Scout and Explorer groups, early in March 2021 we began planning for our new Scout Hut to give them a dedicated space to hold their meetings.
Thanks to our dedicated fundraising team, the generosity of local businesses and charitable donations, we were able to begin the process of preparing the base during the weekend of 11th and 12th September and erect the main structure the following weekend.
It was a mammoth task for our voluntary weekend workers, but progress was made ......
...... and the new Scout Hut began to take shape.
Mrs Lamb would like to thank all the volunteers and contributors for their time and dedication.
The full story, including contributors and suppliers, will follow once the Scout Hut is completed.
End of Term 2021
Once again our students were treated to a last day of term feast; ice creams very kindly donated by Noble Foods and a BBQ courtesy of our dedicated fundraising team, thank you.
Activity Day Visits to Laughterton Scout Camp
June 2021 - After such a difficult year, it was fantastic to be able to take a series of trips to Laughterton Scout Camp. Students were able explore the woods, take part in competitions and challenges, have a picnic, and finish the day with toasted marshmallows.
Some highlights include water testing Yr10 dens after the den building challenge, the skills displayed in soft archery, and the duck, pig and Gruffalo hunts.
The trips were ably supported each day by two Sixth Form students, thank you.
June 2021 - We celebrated ‘Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History month 2021’ by having a Zoom assembly, guided learning experiences and also entering a national artwork competition that focused on ‘Pride and Community’ - we were prize winners!!
21st June 2021 - Key Stage 4 visited Skegness as a reward trip for their efforts towards accreditations. It was great once again to leave the classroom and enjoy a day out. A picnic on the beach, crazy golf and a visit to the Pleasure Beach fairground… lovely.
Prom 2021
Once again we were able to get dressed up, arrive in style and dance the night away at our annual Leavers' Prom. Looking stunning dressed in their finery, students sat down to a two course meal in a beautifully decorated hall, followed by an evening of dancing, laughing and sharing memories of their time at Aegir.
Following the events of the past year, it was fantastic to be able to get together and celebrate this important milestone.
Students in the Sixth Form have been developing their skills in Textiles. They researched designs to make an individual applique cushion cover and worked independently over a number of weeks to sew their unique designs using the machines. After making buttonholes, they then finished them off by hand sewing buttons on the back.
We have many more exciting projects to look forward to, these include upcycling old jeans and clothing and making drawstring bags for sensory equipment.
Look out for our students on future episodes of the Sewing Bee...
28th May 2021 - 7KBi designed and made puppets and then created and rehearsed a Puppet Show. They invited Mrs Buxton and Mrs Burt to the final performance and everyone had a lovely time and laughed lots. Great work boys!
28th May 2021 - The Sixth Form's first harvest!!
On Friday 7th May 2021, Aegir students and staff took part in the NSPCC Number Day fundraising event. We dressed up with Maths and Numbers as the theme, we had a cake sale and we tested ourselves with number themed quizzes and other Maths challenges.
We raised over £115 for the NSPCC charity. Once again, a big thank you to every one of you who has contributed your time and donated money to our efforts and a very worthy charity.
Class 10NC – WJEC Entry Pathways Word Processing Project
Concluding their learning over the Spring Term, students from 10NC produced stunning pieces of inspiring text-based art using Microsoft Word. This project involved studying the Using Word Processing Software Unit where they have developed their skills by means of using word processing software tools to structure information, format and present documents.
National Day of Reflection - Tuesday 23rd March 2021
On the first anniversary of the first lockdown, we took part in the National Day of Reflection. Governors, students and staff from Aegir and Warren Wood joined together in a reflective and thought-provoking Zoom assembly. At midday, Aegir students and staff took part in a respectful 1-minute silence, backed by ringing bells, followed by an enthusiastic ‘clap for key-workers’. We also created a ‘reflection’ themed whole-school display where students represented their thoughts, memories and emotions in an artistic way.
10NC contributed this Reflection Mural as part of the artistic approach to the reflective celebrations.

Class 10NC - Craft Project for Mother's Day
Students from 10NC have been developing their craft and artistic skills to produce a Mother's Day card.
As part of their WJEC Word Processing topic, they took the opportunity to practise their word-art typography using some of the different formatting tools within Microsoft Word to create a personalised message.
Christmas 2020!!
Students in the Sixth Form have been using the sewing machines to create useful items such as face masks and scrunchies and have enjoyed making Christmas decorations to hang on the tree.
Adam in the Sixth Form has organised a project to collect donations for the Bearded Fishermen, a local Gainsborough Mental Health Charity. He presented the donations and the Sixth Form will take this on as their chosen charity to raise funds through their enterprise work. This was done as part of Adam's development of employability skills as he prepares to move on and seek employment.
11.12.20 - Christmas Raffle Results
Students and Staff enjoying Christmas Dinner
Christmas Hamper Raffle
Illuminate 2020
All the students have been learning about the Pilgrim Fathers and their journey to America aboard the Mayflower 400 years ago. To commemorate this historical event, each class has joined in the national celebrations by making and designing their Illuminate Lanterns.
Children in Need Day 2020
Remembrance Day 2020
Diwali 2020
19.03.20 - Easter has come a little bit early this year - thanks to Noble Foods for bringing us these lovely Easter Eggs to enjoy!!
On Tuesday 3rd March 2020 Jasmine represented Aegir - A Specialist Academy at the Lincoln Music and Drama Festival 2020 - the first time a student from Aegir has entered the event. Jasmine was entered for two poetry classes: Up to Y9 Light Verse Speaking and Up to Y9 Verse Speaking. Jasmine learned both poems by heart 'Visit to a Graveyard' by Eric Finney which was 8 verses long and 'Old Man Platypus' by A.B. (Banjo) Patterson - 5 verses long. Jasmine was placed third in the Verse Speaking Class which was a tremendous result!
Aegir Scouts go camping in the cold!
On the 5th February, 4th Gainsborough, 1st Mayflower Academy Scout group went to Laughterton campsite to stay over.
When we arrived we pitched our tents and set up our beds. We then played football and board games.
We had pizza and chips for tea and Mrs Buxton came to visit.
We then had a campfire and sang songs and toasted marshmallows. We kept doing that until most of us were really tired and went to sleep.
The next day it was cold and there was frost on the tents.
We had sausage sandwiches and cereal for breakfast. We played some games and sat around the fire.
We walked to the river Trent and practised map reading skills. We enjoyed breaking the ice on the puddles.
We then packed away the tents, tidied up, loaded the bus and went back to school.
The Scouts really enjoyed the camp, here is what they thought:
“It was cold, but it was worth it for the experience”
“I was really happy”
“It was good”
“Fun and Freezing”.
By Hawk Patrol
One of our Year 11s has created, made and laminated certificates in preparation for the Football Tournament we are hosting on Friday 7th February. What a superb example of our school values!
Scouts enjoyed their first night away this year on Wednesday 5th February, supported by the amazing staff team. It was cold but they were all in good spirits, displaying the school values brilliantly and looked forward to toasting marshmallows around the campfire.
On Monday 3rd February 11GJ went on an intrepid journey… to the National Space Centre at Leicester. The visit supported learning of our ASDAN Science topic ‘Space Physics’. We had a great day, learning about how the universe came into being, the importance of space travel and how mankind explores our solar system. We recommend a visit, also, the café sells lovely coffee and amazing jacket potatoes.
A huge thank you to our friends at Noble foods who have donated a selection box for every child in the school on Thursday 19th December.
18th December 2019 - The focus of our Christmas Celebration were the values that are displayed during the festive period. Our pupils created displays and poetry about their chosen value and presented them to parents, carers and governors during a lively, song-filled Christmas concert. Thank you to all those who attended.
16.12.19. Class 11GJ decided to plan a Christmas celebration day out, we went bowling before going out for an amazing meal at Cosmos Doncaster. Merry Christmas!
YMCA Shoe Box Appeal - December 2019
Aegir hall was bursting with Christmas crafts and treats on Friday 13th December. The event was very well supported as always and we raised over £950 to go towards school funds and our Scout groups.
Aegir enjoyed Christmas dinner on Wednesday 11th December. A real community feel with everyone together in the hall.
20.11.19. As part of their Humanities studies 11NC visited the Royal Armouries, Leeds.
November 2019: Aegir Explorers have had fun learning about Basic First Aid and have also been busy working on the school vegetable beds.
As part of our photography topic we visited Natureland Skegness and Donna Nook Seal Sanctuary to photograph the seals.
Students and their families enjoyed a superb evening at the Hallowe'en Disco on 30th October 2019 where we raised an amazing £564.23 for school.
Staff, Students, Parents and Carers and Governors enjoyed a superb Presentation Evening on 16th October celebrating the successes of our students both in their exams and through their dedication to following the school values.
5th - 11th October 2019. On our residential visit to Normandy France we visited the historic WW2 beaches, William the Conqueror's castle, Mont Saint-Michel , St Malo and bought and tasted the local foods, très bon.
03.10.19. Once again our students attended the Construction Day event at the Lincolnshire Showground. The students were given the opportunity to try some of the skills and roles that are part of the construction industry.
Staff and students worked hard to provide cakes and drinks for all of our supporters on Macmillan Coffee Morning 27th September 2019.
On Friday 20th September 2019 our students enjoyed watching and participating in the Splash! performance as well as learning about important global issues.
Staff and students are enjoying ice-creams on the last day of term. Thank you to Noble Foods for providing us with our own ice-cream van for the day.
1st Mayflower Scouts enjoying their first night of camp. They have built a campfire, put up their tents, had their tea and washed up too! All supported by our superb staff volunteers.
Lake District Residential Visit, 29th April – 3rd May 2019. As part of our residential visit we went to the Tree Top Trek at Brockhole, Lake Windermere. Many students, and staff, really challenged their fears and completed the course, which ends with a very exciting zip-wire.
We also went to the World of Illusion at was very strange to witness how illusions are made.
We went canoeing on Lake Ullswater, played games on the lake and on shore as well as exploring a nearby river… loads of fun!!
Our students enjoying the mountains, paths and waterfalls around the shore of Ullswater.
April 2019 - Aegir Scouts worked together to pitch tents. They also learnt how to use a flint and steel to light a fire and then toast marshmallows.
A very busy Food Technology lesson for Year 11s.
As part of their Geography studies, Year 11 students visited key locations that demonstrated features of the Lincoln flood plain.
As part of their History studies, Year 11 students had a fantastic day out at the Royal Armouries, Leeds. They finished the day with a cross-bow competition.
Year 11 students serving customers and preparing for ‘service’ at the Gainsborough Uphill Community Centre Community Café.
Year 11 students actively involved with the Construction Day event at the Lincolnshire Showground.
Another fantastic night at the Spring Dance on Thursday 4th April 2019! Thank you to all involved for your continued support, over £300 raised towards school funds!
9LH enjoyed a visit to Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre on Thursday 4th April 2019 as part of their learning about World War II.
We are looking forward to our Spring Disco on Thursday 4th March 2019 from 6pm until 8pm. Tickets are £2 per person. Raffle tickets can be purchased beforehand from reception at £1 a strip as well as tickets being available on the night. As you can see we have lots of fantastic prizes again! Preparations are already taking place!
Students enjoyed dressing up as their favourite film characters and heroes as part of Autism Awareness Day on Tuesday 2nd April 2019. The theme this year is “We are all different, we are all the same.”
We looked forward to our Easter Fayre on Friday 29th March 2019; we were busy setting up the stalls after creating and making a range of items to sell.
Aegir Football Team played fantastically against Wildslodge School from Stamford on Thursday 28th March 2019. Excellent display of teamwork and our school values! Aegir won the match 3-0. Well done team!
Scouts from 4th Gainsborough, 1st Mayflower Academy enjoyed their first meeting on Monday 25th March 2019. They learnt about the values of Scouts and particularly enjoyed toasting marshmallows and making s’mores.
We had a visit on Tuesday 19th March 2019 from Andrew's Hedgehog Hospital. A gentleman called Frank came in and gave some of the Sixth Form a talk about the work they do at the hospital, he brought along one of the rescue hedgehogs for the students to see and some of them got a chance to handle it.
Students in Key Stages 3 and 4 enjoyed investigating a mystery during World Book Day, Thursday 7th March 2019. They worked brilliantly together to find out who the culprit was!